

The Twinkie Defense

You know the song "I Fought the Law and the Law Won" (There are a plethora of different artists who sing it - but I'm sure your familiar with at least one of the verisions)? Well, I have always had a special attachment to that song because my initials are L.A.W. and back in High School this guy always used to make little references about that song. For the record my initials aren't even REALLY L.A.W. (Lizzie Ann Williams) because no one actually names their daughter Lizzie. My name is Elizabeth, but "EAW" is not quick as spicy. Back to the point...I learned that the Dead Kennedy's rewrote this song with the title being "I Fought the Law and I Won" in reference to Dan White's 1978 murder of San Francisco's Mayor George Moscone & City Supervisor, Harvey Milk (the movie 'Milk' is about this story). The media called White's claim that his depression had led him to eat unhealthy foods and thus wasn't opporating at full capacity "The Twinkie defense".

Crazy as it seems, The Twinkie Defense influenced the court to convict him of the lesser charge of manslaughter. Nuts!

- Lizzie

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Painting with Wax