

Honey “The Perfect Food”?

I don't know if I've ever heard a negative word spoken about honey, but I don't like it enough to go around calling it the 'perfect food' - or at least I didn't, until now. My mom has been boasting about the benefits of honey ever since she recieved some sort of "FWD" a few years ago claiming the benefits of the combination of honey and cinnamon and how it can cure 'almost anything'. I will admit, I have tried a few of these home remedies and surprisingly I have never been let down. is "undetermined" whether or not this is fact of fiction, but for now, I will go on trusting in the natural magical food. Side note: in Hinduism honey is one of the five elixirs of immortality! Anyhow, that all is beside the point. What I learned was that honey is 'the perfect food' because it never spoils. Although here is an exception to that rule... (according to

Nothing will grow in naturally antibiotic and antiviral honey as long as the moisture content remains under 18%. Natural, raw honey varies from 14% to 18% in moisture content. However, when water is added to honey, natural airborn yeasts can become active in the honey water. So your honey water will turn bad eventually.

So that's not nuttin' 'honey'!

- Lizzie

(I heard someone say the other day, that the older you get the more likely you are to use puns in your daily language. uh oh!)

Platypus Spurs

Playing it By Ear