You Are What You Eat
The Dietary idiosyncrasies that I'm convinced are saving my life:
- My love for skim milk
- My favorite snack is cottage cheese [+ chips]
- I can eat only one girl scout cookie
- I do not like alfredo, or any cream sauces
- My sweet tooth is more like the size of a filing.
- I do not like melon, of any kind [Do your research, peeps.]
Dietary habits that are certain to lead to my demise:
- I don't eat breakfast. [Yeah, I know.]
- I almost never drink water before 3PM.
- Every time I buy banana's, they go bad, and I'm forced to mush them w. sugar, oil, eggs, etc. until they become an edible banana bread.
- [I just had to sing Gwen Stefani when I typed b-a-n-a-n-a-s. I just did it again.]
- My affinity for vodka, whiskey, beer, coffee and probably most detrimental, Diet Coke.